Slovenia : from Yugoslavia to the European UnionType of material - scientific monograph ; adult, seriousPublication and manufacture - Washington : The World Bank, 2004Language - englishISBN - 0-8213-5718-2COBISS.SI-ID - 945534
Other authors
Mrak, Mojmir |
Rojec, Matija, 1953- |
Silva-Jáuregui, Carlos
European Union |
Slovenia |
Slovenia |
Economic policy |
Slovenia |
Economic conditions |
Slovenija |
Ekonomska politika |
Zborniki |
Slovenija |
Ekonomske razmere |
Zborniki |
Slovenija |
Integracija |
Evropa |
gospodarstvo |
mednarodni ekonomski odnosi |
Evropska unija
Library/institution |
City | Acronym | For loan | Other holdings |
EF, Central Economic Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | CEKLJ |
outside loan 10 cop.
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | ODKLJ |
outside loan 7 cop.
reading room 1 cop. |
Faculty of Law, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | PRFLJ |
outside loan 6 cop.
University Library of the New University, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | UKNU |
outside loan 5 cop.
Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor | Maribor | EPF |
outside loan 4 cop.
University of Primorska University Library | Koper - Capodistria | UPUK |
outside loan 3 cop.
Bank of Slovenia, Ljubljana | Ljubljana - Banka Slovenije | BS |
outside loan 2 cop.
Catholic Institute Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | KKI |
outside loan 2 cop.
College of Accounting and Finance, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | VSRLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
DOBA Faculty | Maribor | DOBAMB |
outside loan 1 cop.
Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | VUSLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
France Bevk Public Library, Nova Gorica | Nova Gorica | SIKNG |
outside loan 1 cop.
Grammar School and Secondary School Kočevje | Kočevje | GKOC |
outside loan 1 cop.
IEDC - Bled School of Management | Bled | IEDCBL |
outside loan 1 cop.
Institute for Contemporary History, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | INZLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | IERLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Ljubljana City Library | Ljubljana | MKL |
outside loan 1 cop.
MKK - Public Library of Kranj | Kranj | SIKKR |
outside loan 1 cop.
Ministry of Finance of Slovenia, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | MFRS |
outside loan 1 cop.
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | MZZRS |
outside loan 1 cop.
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | MSZS |
outside loan 1 cop.
National Museum of Contemporary History | Ljubljana | MNZLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Office of the RS for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | URSMAR |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library Janez Vajkard Valvasor, Krško | Krško | SIKKRS |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library Josip Vošnjak, Slovenska Bistrica | Slovenska Bistrica | SIKSBI |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library Pavel Golia Trebnje | Trebnje | SIKTRE |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library Srečko Kosovel, Sežana | Sežana | SIKSEZ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Brežice | Brežice | SIKBRE |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Celje | Celje | SIKCE |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Domžale | Domžale | SIKDOM |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Izola | Izola - Isola d'Istria | SIKIZO |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Sevnica | Sevnica | SIKSEV |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Črnomelj | Črnomelj | SIKCRN |
outside loan 1 cop.
Public Library of Šmarje | Šmarje pri Jelšah | SIKSMA |
outside loan 1 cop.
Regional and Study Library, Murska Sobota | Murska Sobota | SIKMS |
outside loan 1 cop.
restricted loan – outside loan 1 cop.
Slovenian Scientific Institute in Vienna | Dunaj - Wien | SZIDUN |
outside loan 1 cop.
St. Stanislav's Institution, Ljubljana | Ljubljana - Šentvid | ZSVSLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Supreme Court of Judicature, Library of Law, Lj. | Ljubljana | CPKLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
Theological Faculty, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | TEOFLJ |
outside loan 1 cop.
University of Maribor Library | Maribor | UKM |
outside loan 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
National Assembly of the RS, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | DZRS |
reading room 2 cop.
Constitutional Court of the RS, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | USRS |
reading room 1 cop.
European Documentation Centre, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | EDCLJ |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 2 cop.
National Institute of Public Health | Ljubljana | IVZRS |
reading room 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | NUK |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
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Mrak, Mojmir | 09629 |
Rojec, Matija, 1953- | 02829 |
Silva-Jáuregui, Carlos |
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