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  • Technical creativity in school's curricula with the form of project learning From idea to the product [Elektronski vir] : from the kindergarten to the technical faculty : 17th international science symposium, 22.-23. April 2016, Portorož, Slovenia : proceedings = Tehnična ustvarjalnost v šolskem kurikulumu v obliki projektnega učnega dela Od ideje do izdelka : od vrtca do fakultetnega tehniškega študija : 17. mednarodni znanstveni posvet, [22.-23. april 2016, Portorož, Slovenija] : zbornik prispevkov
    Type of material - proceedings of conference contributions ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Somaru, 2016
    Language - english, slovenian, croatian, czech, macedonian
    ISBN - 978-961-6728-49-2
    COBISS.SI-ID - 284229632

Library/institution City Acronym For loan Other holdings
Faculty of Education, Ljubljana Ljubljana PEFLJ outside loan 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana Ljubljana NUK reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
University of Maribor Library Maribor UKM reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
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