Ljubljana City Library - all departments (MKL)
  • Ko prečitaš, daj naprej! : Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, [maj 1996]
    Type of material - catalogue ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - V Ljubljani : NUK, 1996
    Language - slovenian
    ISBN - 961-6162-08-X
    COBISS.SI-ID - 59822592

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available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
Bežigrad - paketnik
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available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
Črnuče (1,30 EUR)
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K. F. Škerla (1,30 EUR)
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Glinškova p. (1,30 EUR)
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Savsko n. (1,30 EUR)
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K. Jurij Vega Dol (1,30 EUR)
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K. Otona Župančiča (1,30 EUR)
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Po pošti (po ceniku Pošte - cca. 4 eur)

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Slovanska k.
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
Bežigrad - paketnik
Parcel box
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
Call number – location, accession no. ... Copy status
Bežigrad ZB ZZB-NOB NOB Ko
IN: 91010017815
Bežigrad ZB ZZB-NOB NOB Ko
IN: 91010017815
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
Slovanska RP M C 0000000750
IN: 65019610680
Slovanska RP M C 750
IN: 65019610680
available - outside loan, loan period: 21 days
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