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  • Poznavanje parametrov barvnega prostora z vidika boljšega kliničnega izbora barve zob = Knowledge of colour space values improves tooth shade matching
    Pohlen, Boštjan
    The measurement of tooth colour is not an accurate procedure as teeth are small, curved and multilayered. Other attributes of appearance, such as fluorescence, opalescence, translucency, gloss and ... opacity, are present on teeth. The CIE L *a*b* (CIELAB) colour space is defined with values L *, a * and b *. The location of a colour in the colour space is expressed with these values. Value L * represents the y coordinate in the colour space and is a measure of lightness. Value a * represents the x coordinate and is a measure of red (positive value) or green colour (negative value). Value b* represents the z coordinate and is a measure of yellow (positive value) or blue colour (negative value). In clinical practice, it is easier to describe a colourwith values L *, C* and h*, because they refer directly to colour characteristics. Value L * expresse s lightness, and value C* intensity; value h* is the angle between the x and z coordinates and expresses hue. The difference between two colours (LlE*ab) is computed from differences in L *, a* and b*. The measurement of tooth colour can be done in the dental office or in the laboratory, using visual or instrumental methods.The visual method, known as shade matching, is performed using dental shade guides.Both visual and instrumental methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Shade matching can be trained using appropriate computer programmes or devices.
    Source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 65, št. 1/2, 2010, str. 19-27)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2010
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 27243225

source: Zobozdravstveni vestnik. - ISSN 0044-4928 (Letn. 65, št. 1/2, 2010, str. 19-27)

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