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  • Povezanost med dejavniki tveganja in prevalenco klinično očitne ateroskleroze pri 3781 prebivalcih Slovenije = Relation between risk factors and prevalence of clinically manifest atherosclerosis in 3781 inhabitants of Slovenia
    Moravec Berger, Daša ...
    In a cross-sectional study the prevalence of risk factors and of clinically manifest atherosclerosis was ascertained in 3781 adult permanent inhabitants of Slovenia. On the base of gathered data, the ... relation among the observed factors and the presence of atherosclerosis was meant to be assessed. 17 variables were chosen for the analysis of multivariance: mid upper arm circumference, wrist circumference, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, body mass index, education, age, diagnosis of hypertension, diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, smoking, place, sex, salt, alcohol, activity, myocardial infarction in family history and total cholesterol. The related variable atherosclerosis is composed from the observed clinial forms of atherosclerosis: angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis of central nervous system or transient ischemic attack, peripheral arterial occlusive disease. A mathematical probability model for atherosclerosis was built with logistic regression. Records of 3758 persons with 16 determinants (without cholesterol) resp. records with 2899 persons with 17 determinants were included into analysis. A significant positive connection of atherosclerosis with age, diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, sex, and alcohol consumption was ascertained, and a negative connection with physical activity. When only the persons with definedcholesterol were included into analysis, five same variables came into model and the variables diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and sex dropped off. Atherosclerosis was not significantly connected with cholesterol which may be the consequence of methodological weakness of the research.(Abstract truncatedat 2000 characters)
    Source: Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. - ISSN 0351-0026 (Letn. 37, št. 11/12, 1998, str. 455-460)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 1998
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 9472217