Primary School Vida Pregarc, Ljubljana (OSVPLJ)
  • Sto slovenskih znanstvenikov, zdravnikov in tehnikov
    Sitar, Sandi
    Type of material - proceedings ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - V Ljubljani : Prešernova družba, 1987
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 22186753

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on loan - outside loan, due date: 08.10.2020
Expected to be available after: 21.06.2024 (1. in queue)
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SM 0000000005 SITAR SANDI Sto slovenskih
IN: 100000635
SM 5 SITAR SANDI Sto slovenskih
IN: 100000635
on loan - outside loan, due date: 08.10.2020

Expected to be available after: 21.06.2024 (1. in queue)
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