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  • Biološko-ekološka obilježja...
    Gašparović, Ivana; Vučetić, Marko; Zbiljski, Dunja; Vojinović, Milan; Sušilović, Vedran; Ljubić, Ivan; Korov, Katarina; Dorbić, Boris; Španjol, Željko

    Šumarski list, 08/2023, Volume: 147, Issue: 7-8
    Journal Article, Paper

    Prirodni fenomen, Kočje, 1962. godine proglašen je posebnim rezervatom šumske vegetacije, dok je njegov glavni fenomen šuma stogodišnjih stabala hrasta crnike ( Quercus ilex L.). Rezervat je sjemenskog postanka s ponekom panjačom. Osim s vegetacijskog gledišta, Kočje je specifično i zbog niza geomorfoloških oblika. Šumu ovog rezervata se može svrstati u šumu hrasta crnike i crnog jasena. U radu su dani rezultati opsežnih istraživanja koja su provedena u prvoj polovici 2015. godine, a uključivala su strukturna, vegetacijska i mikroklimatska mjerenja. Strukturna izmjera stabala provedena je na području cijelog rezervata, a vegetacijska i mikroklimatološka istraživanja su obuhvatila 7 pokusnih ploha.Rezultati su pokazali da inventarizirana stabala hrasta crnike (140) pokazuju konstantno opadanje vitaliteta, što je sasvim razumljivo i vezano na njihovu stoljetnu dob. Ustanovljeno je i da su najbrojnije vrste u fazi ponika i pomladka: Laurus nobilis L. i Viburnum tinus L., dok hrast crnika prevladava u nadstojnoj etaži. S obzirom na strukturne tablice sastojina na pokusnim plohama 1.-7. kao i na ukupne iznose drvne zalihe, došlo se do spoznaje da se sklopljeni dio šume rezervata i dalje nalazi u stadiju visoke crnikove šume.Iz fitocenoloških snimki (tablica 12) također uočavamo tu heterogenost staničnih uvjeta budući osim tipičnih vrsta asocijacije Fraxino orni–Quercetum ilicis Horvatić (1956.) 1958. (Šuma hrasta crnike i crnog jasena) ovisno o geološko-morfološkim, hidrološkim, pedološkim i mikroklimatskim prilikama pridolaze vrste koje nisu tipične za šumsku vegetaciju. Ponajprije paprati, vegetacija stijena, mahovina i sl. Pokrovnost vegetacije u rezervatu Kočje nije jednolična. Središnji dio gdje prevladavaju stara stabla crnike pokrovnost sloja drveća je 90-95 % (100 %), grmlje pokriva 30-100 %. Pokrovnost sloja prizemnog rašća je također različita i ovisi o pokrovnosti sloja grmlja i drveća, tako da je od 5-80 %. Isto tako u rezervatu nalazimo gusti sloj nerazgrađenog listinca najčešće od 2 do 5 cm, a u „džepovima“, škrapama između stijena 10 do 15 cm. Tu ga najviše nanosi voda za jakih kiša.Mikroklimatskim istraživanjima je potvrđeno da kolebanja mikroklimatskih elemenata (temperatura i količina svjetla) ovise o stupnju sklopljenosti sastojine u sloju drveća i grmlja te geomorfološkim situacijama na plohama. The natural phenomenon of Kočje, was declared as a special reserve of forest vegetation in 1962, while its main phenomenon is a forest of hundred-year-old holm oak trees ( Quercus ilex L.). It is a reserve of seed production with some sedges. Apart from it´s vegetation , Kočje has number of geomorphological forms. The forest of this reserve is classified as a forest of holm oak and black ash. The paper presents the results of extensive research conducted in the first half of 2015, which included structural, vegetation and microclimate measurements. The structural survey of the trees was carried out in the entire area of the reserve, and the vegetation and microclimatological research included 7 test plots.The results showed that the inventoried holm oak trees (140) show a constant decline in vitality, which is quite understandable and related to their age and most of numerous species are in the stage of ponics and saplings: Laurus nobilis and Viburnum tinus , while holm oak predominates in the upper layer. With regard to the structural tables of the stands on experimental plots 1.-7. (tables 2-8), as well as the total amount of wood stock, it is conformed that the closed part of the reserve’s forest is still in the stage of high holm oak forest.Phytocenological recordings (table 12) are showing that there is an heterogeneity of cellular conditions, since, in addition to the typical species of the association Fraxino orni–Quercetum ilicis Horvatić (1956) 1958 (Black oak and black ash forest), depending on geological-morphological, hydrological, pedological and microclimatic conditions, additional species which are not typical for forest vegetation. Primarily ferns, rock vegetation, mosses, etc. The vegetation cover in Kočje reserve is anuniform. In the central part where old holm oak trees predominate, the tree layer coverage is 90-95 % (100 %), bushes cover 30-100 %. The coverage of the layer of ground growth is also different and depends on the coverage of the layer of bushes and trees, so it is from 5-80 %. In the reserve, we find a thick layer of undecomposed leaf (2-5 cm), and in “pockets”, scraps between rocks, (10-15 cm). It is mostly applied by water during heavy rains. The microclimatic research has confirmed that the fluctuations of microclimatic elements (temperature and amount of light) depend on the degree of assembly of the stand in the layer of trees and bushes and the geomorphological conditions on the surfaces (stone corridors, arched and narrow passages, boulders, obstacles, etc.).