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  • Severović, Kornelija

    Web Resource

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Značaj usluga u suvremenom gospodarskom okruţenju prepoznat je u brojnim zemljama svjetskih ekonomija. Razvoj uslužnog sektora te informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija zahtijeva nove koncepte, pristupe i metode razvoja i upravljanja organizacijom i informacijskim sustavima, što je predmet informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti, ali i uslužnih znanosti, kao nove znanstvene discipline. Koristeći se odgovarajućim kombinacijama znanstvenih metoda, namjera ovog rada je bila produbiti razumijevanje multidisciplinarnog koncepta upravljanja odnosima s klijentima s posebnim naglaskom na uslužnu djelatnost nacionalnih gospodarstava. U radu su sistematizirana postojeća znanja o CRM-u, uključujući koncepte, metode, strategije, obrasce i modele te je formiran prijedlog objedinjenog modela CRM-a.Određeni su osnovni procesni i podatkovni elementi i njihovi odnosi u području CRM-a u uslužnoj djelatnosti. Istraženo je područje i metodologija oblikovanja i poboljšanja usluga. Doktorski rad predstavlja sveobuhvatnu analizu upravljanja odnosima s klijentima s posebnim naglaskom na korištenje podataka nastalih u redovnom poslovanju te uključivanje klijenata kao pokretača promjena u procesima oblikovanja usluga. Pod utjecajem učestalih promjena koje prate suvremeno poslovanje, istraživanje u ovom radu usmjereno je na pokretanje promjena koje se odnose na organizaciju i dizajn usluga temeljem poticaja iz sustava upravljanja odnosima s klijentima. Osnovna ideja rada je da se usluge u određenim okolnostima mogu oblikovati i poboljšavati kroz iterativne procese, koji ne zahtijevaju vremenski zahtjevno i skupo prikupljanje zahtjeva klijenata, nego se mogu oslanjati na podatke koji već postoje u informacijskom sustavu poslovnog subjekta.- Importance of the services in the modern economic environment has been recognized in many countries of the world economy. The development of the service sector and information and communication technology requires new concepts, approaches and methods of management and development of organisation and information systems, which is the subject of information and communication sciences, as well as service science as a new scientific discipline. Using the appropriate combinations of scientific method, the intent of this study was to deepen the understanding of the multidisciplinary concept of customer relationship management, with special emphasis on the service sector of the economic environment.The paper systematized existing knowledge of CRM, including concepts, methods, strategies, forms and models and the proposal has been formed unified model of CRM.Basic process and data elements and their relationships in the field of CRM in serviceoperations are determined. Furthermore, the area and the methodology of designing and improving services was explored. Doctoral dissertation presents a comprehensive analysis of customer relationship management, with special emphasis on the use of data generated in the ordinary course of business and involving clients as a initiator of changes in design services. Under the influence of the frequent changes that accompany doing modern business especially, research in this paper focuses on changing things that relate to the organization and design services based on incentives from the system of customer relationship management. The basic idea of the paper is that the services in certain circumstances can shape and improvedthrough an iterative process that does not require time-consuming and expensive collection of customer requirements, but can rely on the data that already exist in the information system of the company.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana