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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
21. Journal of Mobile Multimedia 2022 1550-4646 0.331
22. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research 2022 2223-8905/2414-6250 0.180
23. Journal of Scholarly Publishing 2022 1198-9742/1710-1166 0.674
24. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy 2022 2203-1693 0.405
25. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2022 1047-3203 1.063
26. Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 2022 1342-6907 0.006
27. Learning, Media and Technology 2022 1743-9884/1743-9892 2.810
28. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 2022 2367-4512/2367-4520 0.104
29. Logos (Netherlands) 2022 0957-9656/1878-4712 0.057
30. Mobile Media and Communication 2022 2050-1579/2050-1587 2.131
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