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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
31. Constraints 2014 1383-7133/1572-9354 2.282
32. Constructivist Foundations 2014 1782-348X 0.432
33. Cybernetics and Systems 2014 0196-9722/1087-6553 0.926
34. Design Studies 2014 0142-694X 2.674
35. Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal 2014 1051-2004/1095-4333 1.510
36. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2014 0952-1976 2.281
37. Evolutionary Intelligence 2014 1864-5909/1864-5917 0.758
38. Expert Systems 2014 0266-4720/1468-0394 1.065
39. Expert Systems with Applications 2014 0957-4174 2.536
40. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 2014 1935-8237/1935-8245 10.844
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