VSE knjižnice (vzajemna bibliografsko-kataložna baza podatkov COBIB.SI)
  • Geometric data preparation for GIS applications
    Podgorelec, David ...
    The chapter surveys geometric modelling techniques in geographic information systems (GIS), and geometric data processing oriented towards efficient visualisations of 3D geometric models. Two main ... categories of 3D data, according to the representation method, exist. one is surface representation, based on polygonal meshes, and the other is volumetric representation (volume graphics) using volume elements or voxels. The authors are particularly interested in approaches supporting and improving transmission and visualisation of archaeological and geoscientific 3D data over the internet. The stress is on 3D model simplification and compression techniques, also including solutions developed by the author's group.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2009
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 13051670