VSE knjižnice (vzajemna bibliografsko-kataložna baza podatkov COBIB.SI)
  • Telomerase catalytic subunit in laryngeal carcinogenesis - an immunohistochemical study
    Luzar, Boštjan ; Poljak, Mario, 1965- ; Gale, Nina
    We recently demonstrated that (1) telomerase catalytic subunit messenger RNA (mRNA) relative quantities increase progressively with the degree of laryngealepithelial abnormalities and that (2) ... telomerase catalytic subunit gene re-expression represents an early event in laryngeal carcinogenesis. The aim of the study was to determine whether telomerase catalytic protein immunohistochemisty reflects telomerase catalytic subunit gene expression in different grades of laryngeal epithelial abnormalities and squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx. Telomerase catalytic protein was analysed immunohistochemically in 106 laryngeal epithelial tissue samples: 10 nbrmal epithelia, 15 squamous cell hyperplasias, 14 basal/parabasal cell hyperplasias, 10 atypical hyperplasias, eight intraepithelial carcinomas and 49 squamous cell carcinomas. At least 200 nuclei of each lesion were quantified per slide and the number of positive signals per nucleus was expressed as a telomerase catalytic protein index. The mean telomerase catalytic protein index increased progressively with the degree of laryngeal epithelial abnormalities: from 0.17 in normal epithelia, 0.44 in squamous cellhyperplasia, 0.54 in basal/parabasal cell hyperplasia, 0.91 in atypical hyperplasia, 1.05 in intraepithelial carcinoma to 0.96 in squamous cell carcinomas. Statistical analysis revealed three different groups of laryngeal epithelial changes according to the number of telomerase catalytic protein signals per nucleus: (1) normal epithelium, (2) regenerative epithelium (squamous cell hyperplasia, basal/parabasal cell hyperplasia), and (3) atypical hyperplasia, intraepithelial carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (P<0.0033). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
    Vir: Modern pathology. - ISSN 0893-3952 (št. 3, Letn. 18, 2005, str. 406-411)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2005
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 18354649

vir: Modern pathology. - ISSN 0893-3952 (št. 3, Letn. 18, 2005, str. 406-411)
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