Impact of demographic factors on recognition of persons with depression and anxiety in primary care in SloveniaRifel, Janez ...Background: Research has repeatedly shown that family physicians fail to diagnose up to 70% of patients with common mental disorders. Objective of the study is to investigate associations between ... persons' gender, age and educational level and detection of depression and anxiety by their family physicians. Methods: We compared the results of two independent observational studies that were performed at the same time on a representative sample of family medicine practice attendees in Slovenia. 10710 patients participated in Slovenian Cross-sectional survey and 1118 patients participated in a first round of a cohort study (PREDICT-D study). Logistic regression was used to examine the effects of age, gender and educational level on detection of depression and anxiety. Results: The prevalence of major depression and Other Anxiety Syndrome (OAS) amongst family practice attendees was low. The prevalence of Panic Syndrome (PS) was comparable to rates reported in the literature. A statistical model with merged data from both studies showed thatit was over 15 times more likely for patients with ICD-10 criteria depression to be detected in PREDICT-D study as in SCS survey. In PREDICT-D study it was more likely for people with higher education to be diagnosed withICD-10 criteria depression than in SCS survey. Conclusion: People with higher levels of education should probably be interviewed in a more standardized way to be recognised as having depression by Slovenian family physicians. This finding requires further validation.Vir: BMC psychiatry [Elektronski vir]. - ISSN 1471-244X (Letn. 8, 2008, str. 96 [1-8])Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni delLeto - 2008Jezik - angleškiCOBISS.SI-ID - 25481689
Rifel, Janez |
Švab, Igor |
Petek Šter, Marija |
Rotar-Pavlič, Danica |
King, M. |
Nazareth, Irwin
Primary Health Care |
Depressive Disorder |
Diagnosis |
Anxiety Disorders |
Diagnosis |
Sex Factors |
Age Factors |
Educational Status |
Cohort Studies |
Odds Ratio |
Spolni faktorji |
Osnovno, zdravstveno varstvo |
Nevroze anksiozne |
Depresivna motnja |
Starostni faktorji |
Odds razmerje |
Izobrazbeno stanje |
Kohortne študije
Vnos na polico
Trajna povezava
- URL:
Faktor vpliva
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Ime baze podatkov | Področje | Leto |
Povezave do osebnih bibliografij avtorjev | Povezave do podatkov o raziskovalcih v sistemu SICRIS |
Rifel, Janez | 24488 |
Švab, Igor | 11867 |
Petek Šter, Marija | 26219 |
Rotar-Pavlič, Danica | 18328 |
King, M. | |
Nazareth, Irwin |
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