Gimnazija Bežigrad, Ljubljana (GBEZ)
  • Psihosocialni dejavniki pri mladoletniškem prestopništvu = Psychosocial factors of juvenile delinquency
    Tomori, Martina
    Juvenile delinquency is decisively correlated to specific psychosocial factors, among other influences. Their impact on the occurrence and development of conduct disorders as early as in childhood is ... very important. During adolescence these factors stimulate and fix delinquent patterns of behavior in adolescents who are at special high risk. Among the developmental characteristics which facilitate behavioral disordiers and later delinquency, the following trends are the most important: high threshold for excitation andstimulation; special need for self-assertion, negative peer pressure, vulnerable self-image, inappropriate attitude to authority, and use of psychoactive substances. Special risk factors heightening: the possibility of the development of delinquent behauior in individual adolescent are adverse constitutional and psychological personality characteristics (among them high impulsivity, extraversion: high need of sensation, risk taking behavior, low self esteem, insufficient social maturity and dissocial personality structure); dysfunctional family (inconsistent parental childrearing practices; adverse parental roles, mental disorder in parents, low social, cultural and economic status of the family... ) and adverse social milieu (overcrowded conditiqns, unemployment, low educational level). In adgdesaence,delinquent behavior may be connected to various mental disorders: organic cerebral dysfunction; emotional disorders (depression and anxiety); dissocial personality disorder, substance abuse and lower intellectual capacities of the adolescent. Juvenile delinquency manifests a certain continuity throughout the lifetime. One half of children with conduct disorders become. delinquent. during their adolescence. One half of adolescent, who manifest delinquent behavior continue with transgression of social rules in their adulthood. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2000
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 12962521