Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana (NUK)
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Urnik dostave gradiva z oznako DS v signaturi
  • Popisa brškinke Cisticola juncidis, svilnice Cettia cetti in rakarja Acrocephalus arundinaceus v Primorju v razdobju dvajsetih let = A comparative survey of the Fan-tailed Warbler Cisticola juncidis, Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti and Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in the Slovene Littoral 20 years later
    Geister, Iztok
    In 1979, 54 singing males of the Fantailed Warbler, 146 singing males of the Cetti's Warbler and 76 singing males of the Great Reed Warbler were recorded in the Slovene Littoral, while in 1998 the ... numbers of the recorded singing males of the three species were as follows: 54 Fantailed Warblers, 114 Cetti's Warblers, and 95 Great Warblers. In comparison with the numbers recorded 20 years earlier, the Fan-tailed Warbler's number remained literally the same, the number of the Cetti's Warbler decreased by 22%, while the Great Reed Warbler's number increased by 25% ...
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1998
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 5437233