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  • Restatement of labour law in Europe. Vol. 3, Dismissal protection
    The book is part of the project “Restatement of Labour Law in Europe”, which aims to carve out the structures of national regulations and to identify similarities and differences in a Europe-wide ... view. The book brings together reports on dismissal law from 36 countries, including all Member States of the European Union. The relevant law is examined in full, with the reports following a uniform structure, which facilitates access. The book also provides a comparative overview. The similarities and differences identified are presented in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. The editor, Prof. Dr. Bernd Waas, is an internationally recognised expert in the field of comparative labour law. The contributions are written by renowned labour lawyers who have been working together in the European Labour Law Network for many years.
    Vrsta gradiva - znanstvena monografija ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - München : Beck ; Oxford : Hart ; Baden-Baden : Nomos, cop. 2023
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-1-5099-6835-0; 978-3-406-78897-0; 978-3-7560-0330-3
    COBISS.SI-ID - 139309827

Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda Rezervacija
Prosti pristop
PD RESTATEMENT of labour 0000000003
IN: 0144105
Prosti pristop
PD RESTATEMENT of labour 3
IN: 0144105
izposojeno - na dom, rok vrnitve: nedoločen
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