Pravna fakulteta, Knjižnica Mirka Ilešiča, Maribor (PRFMB)
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  • The role of the mayor : between political vision and ciminal reponsibility
    Dežman, Zlatko
    This paper deals with anomalies of criminal law supervision of the legality ofactions of local community officials in the Republic of Slovenia. It highlights some of the dilemmas that concern the ... limits of central state control over local self-governing bodies. Therefore, the following will be analyzedČ 1. the fundamental characteristics of the relationship between the central state and local self-governing entities; 2. the monitoring of the autonomy of local self-governing bodies when they decide on matters within their original jurisdiction; 3. the role of the mayor as a representative, executive and supervisory individual authority; 4. an analysis of Slovenian criminal case-law in that regard; and 5. concluding remarks.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2013
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 4577835