Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo, Celje (ZZVCE)
  • Vplivi šolskega okolja na zdravje osnovnošolcev - prikaz razmer v osnovnih šolah celjske regije = Impact of school environment on health of schoolchildren - conditions in Celje region
    Uršič, Simona ; Jesenek, Franc ; Veršnik, Zvonka
    During surveillance of primary schools in Celje region Institute of public Health Celje discovered some deficiencies which may pose important risk factors for health of scholars. It was found that ... access to the schools is usually properly settled and that most of the schools use public drinking water. But in most schools chair and table height is not adjusted to body height of children, this being a risk factor for improper body growth and posture. Improper illumination in classrooms is a risk factor for vision disorders, and poor conditions of toilets in certain schools carry risk of infectious diseases. In some gyms and playgrounds risk, for injuries exists: Some identified risks coincide with most frequent conditions of school children: bad posture, inadequate nourishment, indicated or developed spine malformations and vision and hearing disorders.
    Vir: Zdravstveno varstvo. Suplement. - ISSN 0353-3352 (Letn. 40, suppl. , 2001, str. 129-134)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2001
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 13238745

vir: Zdravstveno varstvo. Suplement. - ISSN 0353-3352 (Letn. 40, suppl. , 2001, str. 129-134)

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