Celotno besedilo
  • Denis Zupan


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- The core of this theatre project is composed of drama characters from Moliere's works. A weaving of the destinies of singular figures within individual stories (Tartuffe,L'école des femmes /The School for Wives) opens into a new drama text (Le Malade imaginaire / The Imaginary Invalid) traversing from one drama script to another, breaking at the meeting points and creating, in its wide structure of mise-en-scene, a document of Moliere's time. The appearance of material from Moliere's dramatic figures rises on the stage into the already established wide structure of the mise-en-scene like the repetition of roles before performing, dreams or nightmares, a reflection of internal pressures, and - in its stylistic and dramatic repetition - gives us the impression of "words vaporizing" from the subconscious. This story is wedged between two parallel commonplace realities: the first as everyday documents, drawn from the correspondence of thinkers of the time (Descartes, Mme de Sévigné . ), the second as a direct narrative or everyday saga which marks the life of some theatre group. Barbara Novakovič Kolenc- Jedro gledališkega projekta sestavljajo dramske osebe iz Molierovih del. Preplet usod posameznih likov znotraj individualne zgodbe (Tartuffe, Šola za žene), se odpira v nov dramski tekst (Namišljeni bolnik) prehaja iz enega dramskega besedila v drugega, se lomi v srečevanjih in ustvarja, v svoji širši strukturi uprizoritve, dokument časa v katerem je živel umetnik. Pojavnost snovi iz Molierovih dramskih likov vznikne na odru v že obstoječo širšo strukturo uprizoritve kot ponavljanje vloge pred nastopom, sanje ali nočna mora, odraz notranje stiske in nam - v svoji stilski in dramski pojavnosti daje vtis "vrenja besed" iz podzavesti. Ta zgodba je vpeta v dve paralelni vsakdanjosti: prva kot vsakdanjost - dokumenti, črpa iz ohranjene korespondence mislecev tistega časa (Descartes, Mme de Sévigné,.) druga pa je neposredna pripoved ali vsakdanjost, ki beleži življenje neke gledališke skupine. Barbara Novakovič Kolenc- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana