Faktor vpliva za serijsko publikacijo Studies in Communication and Media za leto 2020

Leto 2020
Naslov serijske publikacije Studies in Communication and Media
ISSN 2192-4007
Faktor vpliva 0.132

Uvrstitve Social Science Edition (SSE)

3315 3310 3312 1203
Communication Linguistics and Language Sociology and Political Science Language and Linguistics
Uvrstitev 396/423 798/871 1197/1280 739/807
Četrtina 4 4 4 4
IFx 0.899 0.821 0.935 0.811
IFmax 1. četrtine 4.091 11.634 6.572 4.091
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.233 1.112 1.217 1.104
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.229 1.109 1.215 1.103
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.738 0.678 0.778 0.681
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.731 0.676 0.777 0.679
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.407 0.356 0.443 0.348
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.405 0.354 0.440 0.346
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.001
ID=399893 Kreiran 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2020cStudies in Communication and Mediah8i22j0.132
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200 e2192-4007
400 c3315dCommunicationu396/423x0.899y0.006z0.4050414.09121.23331.22940.73850.73160.40770.40580.006
400 c3310dLinguistics and Languageu798/871x0.821y0.001z0.35404111.63421.11231.10940.67850.67660.35670.35480.001
400 c3312dSociology and Political Scienceu1197/1280x0.935y0.001z0.4400416.57221.21731.21540.77850.77760.44370.44080.001
400 c1203dLanguage and Linguisticsu739/807x0.811y0.001z0.3460414.09121.10431.10340.68150.67960.34870.34680.001