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  • Place competitiveness expressed through digital data. measuring the place attractiveness tracking the geotag data visuals [Elektronski izvor]
    Vukmirović, Milena, 1979- = Вукмировић, Милена, 1979- ; Vaništa Lazarević, Eva, 1961- = Ваништа Лазаревић, Ева, 1961-
    The globalized and decentralized world we live in is simultaneously the arena for the competition of cities belonging to the global network. Striving to secure a better position on the international ... scene, responsible managements turn to entrepreneurial activities aimed at finding new forms of competitive capitalism. All efforts are directed towards improving place identity with an aim to build a strong, positive image, representing a way in which a certain place is experienced in oneʹs consciousness. Based on the place image model of communication, which understands primary, secondary and tertiary communication, this paper aims to give an overview of contemporary techniques and tools to be used for tracking tertiary communication, as key element of the process of building strong place image. Tertiary communication is followed indirectly, not by analyzing the contents of a text, a photo or a video published online, but rather by analyzing geospatial metadata shown on maps, connected to published contents. Presented maps are formed by taking over geospatial metadata, i.e. geo-tags from five relevant internet platforms: Panoramio Google Service, Instagram, Flickr, Twitter and Foursquare
    Врста грађе - е-чланак
    Година - 2014
    Језик - енглески
    COBISS.SR-ID - 43122697