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  • Јован Храниловић и Новосадска секција Југословенског новинарског удружења
    Баровић, Владимир, 1978- = Barović, Vladimir, 1978- ; Пралица, Дејан, 1978- = Pralica, Dejan, 1978-
    Jovan Hranilović was an important poet, literary and theatre critic. Neither his journalistic career has ever been analysed nor has any research been made about him although he worked in media as a ... journalist, an editor and a manager. Some authors have analyzed his role in foundation and organization of the first Novi Sad section of the Journalists' association of Yugoslavia (JNU), which was established in 1922. Jovan Hranilović was a prominent manager and, afterwards, the first president of Jedinstvo, a daily paper famous for its informative and political reporting. He was also the most important advocate for establishing the support fund for journalists threatened by sudden illnesses or job losses. The authors have studied moral and ethical principles in journalism which he advocated as the president of the Novi Sad section of JNU, as well as how he saw the role and importance of the newspapers in the media system of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The analysis of the texts that Hranilović published as the editor and manager of Jedinstvo enables us to determine his specific media discourse. Furthermore, we can grasp his media initiative used to promote the journalists' association he was leading and the humanitarian activities he undertook.
    Врста грађе - чланак, саставни део
    Година - 2014
    Језик - српски
    COBISS.SR-ID - 519350628