СВЕ библиотеке (узајамна библиографско-каталошка база података COBIB.SR)
  • Some Remarks on the Classical Prime Spectrum of Modules
    Abbasi, Alireza, profesor matematike = Абаси, Алиреза, професор математике ; Naderi, Mohammad Hasan, profesor matematike = Надери, Мохамед Хасан, професор математике
    Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let M be an R-module. A proper submodule P of M is called a classical prime submodule if abm ∈ P, for a, b ∈ R, and m ∈ M , implies that am ∈ P or bm ∈ ... P. The classical prime spectrum of M, Cl.Spec(M), is defined to be the set of all classical prime submodules of M. We say M is classical primefule if M = 0, or the map ψ from Cl.Spec(M) to Spec(R/Ann(M)), defined by ψ(P) = (P : M)/Ann(M) for all P ∈ Cl.Spec(M), is surjective. In this paper, we study classical primeful modules as a generalization of primeful modules. Also, we investigate some properties of a topology that is defined on Cl.Spec(M), named the Zariski topology.
    Врста грађе - чланак, саставни део ; u
    Година - 2021
    Језик - енглески
    COBISS.SR-ID - 75435017