Економски факултет, Београд (ЕФБГ)
  • Business analytics using R - A practical approach
    Hodeghatta, Umesh R. = Ходегата, Умеш Р. ; Nayak, Umesha = Најак, Умеша
    Learn the fundamental aspects of the business statistics, data mining, and machine learning techniques required to understand the huge amount of data generated by your organization. This book ... explains practical business analytics through examples, covers the steps involved in using it correctly, and shows you the context in which a particular technique does not make sense. Further, Practical Business Analytics using R helps you understand specific issues faced by organizations and how the solutions to these issues can be facilitated by business analytics. This book will discuss and explore the following through examples and case studies: An introduction to R: data management and R functions The architecture, framework, and life cycle of a business analytics project Descriptive analytics using R: descriptive statistics and data cleaning Data mining: classification, association rules, and clustering Predictive analytics: simple regression, multiple regression, and logistic regression This book includes case studies on important business analytic techniques, such as classification, association, clustering, and regression. The R language is the statistical tool used to demonstrate the concepts throughout the book. You will:? Write R programs to handle data? Build analytical models and draw useful inferences from them? Discover the basic concepts of data mining and machine learning? Carry out predictive modeling? Define a business issue as an analytical problem
    Врста грађе - књига
    Издавање и производња - [United States] : Apress, 2017
    Језик - енглески
    ISBN - 978-1-4842-2513-4
    COBISS.SR-ID - 16075529

Сигнатура – локација, инвентарски бр. ... Статус примерка Резервација
Страна књига
 III 0000016308
ИН: 000138793
Страна књига
 III 16308
ИН: 000138793
слободно - условно - ван библиотеке - рок позајмице: 1 мес.
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