Филозофски факултет, Београд - сва одељења (ФФБГ)
  • Monitoring Student Achievement in the 21st Century : European Policy Perspectives and Assessment Strategies
    This book draws together leading student assessment academics from across Europe exploring student monitoring policies and practices in a range of countries across 22 chapters. The chapters in the ... first part offer a broad overview on student assessment covering history and current status, aims and approaches as well as methodological challenges of international student assessment. The second part presents country specific chapters provide an in depth look examining country specific policy and practices and findings of national and/or international assessments. Findings are critically discussed and recommendations are made for further development of each country's assessment context. The book shows similarities and differences within the educational assessment landscape as well as complexity and similarities in assessment policy documents and strategies, Given the globalized world we live in today, this book fills a need in the higher educational context and is intended for for policy makers in different countries as well.
    Врста грађе - књига
    Издавање и производња - Cham : Springer, 2020
    Језик - енглески
    ISBN - 978-3-030-38968-0
    COBISS.SR-ID - 51669769

Сигнатура – локација, инвентарски бр. ... Статус примерка Резервација
Bibl. Odeljenja za psihologiju
PSI 0000022624
ИН: 110022624
Bibl. Odeljenja za psihologiju
PSI 22624
ИН: 110022624
позајмљено - ван библиотеке, рок враћања: 06.12.2021

Оквирно на располагању након: 06.05.2024 (1. у реду за чекање)
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