Филозофски факултет, Нови Сад - сва одељења (ФФНС)
  • Viaţa Sfântului Gerard în viziunea bollandistǎ
    Stojkovski, Boris, 1982- = Стојковски, Борис, 1982-
    "In this paper I will provide some commentaries on the structure of the Bollandists' "Life of Saint Gerard," which can be found in the sixth volume of the "Acta Sanctorum Septembris". "The Life" ... itself consists of four parts: a sort of preface, i.e. a historical commentary, a chronology of the most important events in the life of Saint Gerard and "Vita", which is, in fact, a version of the well-known "Legenda minor", and some appendices. The foreword is of the most scholarly value because it lists many interesting older works used by the Bollandist writer."
    Врста грађе - излагање на конференцији
    Година - 2016
    Језик - румунски
    COBISS.SR-ID - 523850084