Универзитетска библиотека 'Никола Тесла', Ниш (УБНИ)
  • Evaluation of the Constructed 3D Models of RNAs: A Review
    Arsić, Biljana B., hemičar = Арсић, Биљана Б., хемичар ...
    The development of new experimental techniques, such as cryo-electron spectroscopy, enables insight into the structural features inside cells. However, in specific cases, it is still not possible to ... get the cryo images. Therefore, the development of the scores for the evaluation of the quality of the constructed RNAs, similarly to the proteins, is a prerequisite for the investigation of the diseases caused by the organisms not well investigated. Here, we are providing a summary of the evaluation scores in use for the prediction of the quality of the constructed 3D models of the RNAs.
    Врста грађе - чланак, саставни део ; u
    Година - 2020
    Језик - енглески, српски
    COBISS.SR-ID - 43372553