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  • Med dobrim in slabim razbojnikom : ikonografija in slog nekaterih upodobitev Kristusovega križanja na prehodu v novi vek
    Vignjević, Tomislav
    At the end of the 14th century and in the 15th century, painting outside Italy witnessed an incredible spread of rich narrative depictions of the key event of the Passion. The Crucifixion of Christ ... was depicted as a narrative enriched with numerous details and portraying a number of characters, with special emphasis being placed on the two thieves crucified alongside Christ. As a rule, the good thief Dysmas was depicted on Christ's right hand side, while impenitent Gestas was placed on his left hand side. His depictions reveal many signs of the cruel punishment inflicted on criminals at that time. The iconography of such representations thus offers a fairly precise reflection of the then case law and methods of punishment. Several depictions of this motif are also preserved in central European painting. In Slovenia, the most comprehensive frescoes can be found in the Church of Dovje which used to be under the Freising Diocese. Depicting many narrative details (Veronica, soldiers throwing dice and quarrelling, huge military escort on Calvary, the group composed of Mary, John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, etc.), the scene preserved speaks in favour of the fact that its painter modeled it on depictions of the Crucifixion as found in southern Germany and Salzburg, in particular on paintings by Conrad Laib
    Type of material - article, component part ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2008
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1439187