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  • Podhladitev = Hypothermia
    Vlahović, Dušan
    Hypothermia is a condition that is frequently not recognized and is slightly underestimated, especially in its mild forms. This paper is intended primarilyfor those colleagues who encounter ... hypothermia in extreme conditions in high mountains and who must not only treat hypothermia, but primarily diagnose it in time and, even more important, prevent it. The purpose of this paper is to present: definition classification causes development clinical presentation first aid measures treatment in the field, and hospital treatment of hypothermia
    Source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 39, supl. 11, dec. 2000, str. 133-139)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2000
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 12981977

source: Medicinski razgledi. Supplement. - ISSN 0353-3484 (Letn. 39, supl. 11, dec. 2000, str. 133-139)

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