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  • Subakutni submandibularni limfadenitis pri bolezni mačje opraskanine (CSD) : ali je diagnostična incizijska biopsija upravičena? = Subaute submandibular lymphadenitis in cat-scratch disease (CSD) : is diagnostic incisional biopsy necessary?
    Gorjanc, Matija, 1969- ; Žajdela, Zvone
    Backround. Cat-scratch disease is one of the commonst infectious causes of subacute submandibular lymphadenitis. In contrast to epidemiological data the disease very often seems to be umrecognized, ... misdiagnosed and mistreated. Although its regularly indolent and sef-limited natural course this could bring additional and unnecesary burden of invasive, long-lasting, and not at least more expensive diagnostic procedures to the patient. Counclusions. Serological diagnostic means an important noninvasive supplement to other diagnostic possibilities in cat scratch disease that could save the patient from invasive diagnostic incisional biopsy. Incision and drainage seems to be necessary if there is colliquation of nodes.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 1998
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 7962329