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  • Optimising pandemic response through self-sufficiency [Elektronski vir] : a review paper
    Buheji, Mohamed ...
    Self-Sufficiency is an undermined subject that has not been given attention since the early days of Socialism and the beginning of Marxism. With the capital-based economy and the rise of ... globalisation, most countries reached their lowest self-sufficiency level ever with the majority having only 20% capacity to depend on their products. This paper explores why SF is important now during the pandemic and in the New Norma and how these current conditions brought more opportunities for the subject to make people and decision-makers release more from the pros and cons of globalisation. The paper explores how countries and communities could benefit from SF to re-build more independent communities through optimising concepts as the eco-villages and animal farming that would also encourage the making of sustainable cities. The challenges and the solutions of future food security SF projects establishment are presented as part of the contribution of this paper. Further studies in the area SF during lockdown are recommended to extract the best methodologies of maintaining livelihood while we are fighting for life.
    Source: American journal of economics [Elektronski vir]. - ISSN 2166-4951 (Vol. 10, no. 5, 2020, str. 277-283)
    Type of material - e-article
    Publish date - 2020
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 21965315