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  • Premer in število mišičnih vlaken v musculusu longissimusu dorsi v povezavi s proizvodnimi lastnostmi nekaterih govejih pasem v Sloveniji = Diameter and number of muscle fibres in musculus longissimus dorsi in connection with production properties of some cattle breeds in Slovenia (with summary and table texts en English) : [doktorska] disertacija
    Osterc, Jože
    Type of material - dissertation ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : [J. Osterc], 1974
    Language - slovenian, english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1779252

Library Call number – location, accession no. ... Copy status
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS 265776 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova for reading room
BF, Central Biotechnical Library, Lj. Skladišče
DR 2561
IN: 01974038465
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Dept. of Agronomy, Lj. S 6163 available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana Naloge
Dd OSTERC Premer
IN: 197743534
available - reading room
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Lj. Knjižnica
/D 38
IN: 219840105
available - reading room
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