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  • Enciklopedija Jugoslavije
    Type of material - encyclopedia ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod FNRJ : Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, 1955-1971
    Language - croatian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 23145473

Library Call number – location, accession no. ... Copy status
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/6 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/5 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/3 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/1 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/2 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/4 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/7 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana Č 20 II 130001/8 Velika čitalnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/5 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/4 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/4 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/5 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/8 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/3 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/6 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/1 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/2 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/6 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/8 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/1 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/7 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130635/3 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/2 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana DS II 130636/7 dislocirano skladišče Leskoškova available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/4 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/8 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/7 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/5 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/3 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/1 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/2 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RF PK-INF-01 II 183430/6 Center za informacijske storitve - priročna knjižnica available - reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana RR II 150093 Zbirka rokopisov, redkih in starih tiskov - priročna knjižnica for reading room
National and University Library, Ljubljana P II 150094 Zbirka serijskih publikacij info in library
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 7
IN: 120220263
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 4
IN: 120120154
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 3
IN: 120120153
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 6
IN: 120120156
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 1
IN: 120120151
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 8
IN: 120220264
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 5
IN: 120120155
available - reading room
BF, Dept. of Animal Science, Ljubljana INDOK
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA Jugoslavije 2
IN: 120120152
available - reading room
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/6 Skladišče
IN: 196500800
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/1 Skladišče
IN: 195500337
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/5 Skladišče
IN: 196201365
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/2 Skladišče
IN: 195700068
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/8 Skladišče
IN: 197200007
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/3 Skladišče
IN: 195802688
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/7 Skladišče
IN: 196800956
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Central Technological Library of the University of Ljubljana 50260/4 Skladišče
IN: 196002027
available - outside loan, loan period: 14 days
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../8
IN: 0051941
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../6
IN: 0051939
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../3
IN: 0051936
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../1
IN: 0009655
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../2
IN: 0009692
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../7
IN: 0051940
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../4
IN: 0051937
available - reading room
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Lj. č 0 ENCIKLOPE.../5
IN: 0051938
available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Maklj-Put/6 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE R-Srbija/7 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Jugos-Mak/5 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Dip-Hiđ/3 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Hil-Jugos/4 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Bosna-Dio/2 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE Srbija-Ž/8 Free access available - reading room
FSS, J. Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, Ljubljana Č (03)0 ENCIKLOPEDIJA JUGOSLAVIJE A-Bosk/1 Free access available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Bibliotekarstvo
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Etnologija in kult. antropol.
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Geografija
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Slovenistika in slavistika
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/7 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/1 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/3 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/6 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/5 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/2 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/4 1
available - reading room
Faculty of Arts, Lj. OHK - Zgodovina
 E 354/8 1
available - reading room
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/5
IN: 10000002089
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/3
IN: 10000002087
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/8
IN: 10000002092
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/4
IN: 10000002088
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/7
IN: 10000002091
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/2
IN: 10000002086
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/6
IN: 10000002090
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
BF, Forestry Library, Ljubljana GIS Knjižnica
UDK II 1447/1
IN: 10000002085
available - outside loan, loan period: 30 days
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA 4. Hil-Jugos
IN: 0028314
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA 2. Bosna-Dio
IN: 0028312
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
IN: 0028318
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA 5. Jugos-Mak
IN: 0029315
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
030 ENCIKLOPEDIJA 6. Maklj-Put
IN: 0028316
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
IN: 0028313
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
IN: 0028317
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana BF oddelek za biologijo
IN: 0028311
available - outside loan, loan period: 1 months
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/4
IN: 961000534
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/1
IN: 955002413
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/2
IN: 956002621
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/3
IN: 959002854
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/8
IN: 971001916
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/5
IN: 963001896
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/7
IN: 968000133
available - reading room
AGRFT, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Ljubljana Priročna biblioteka
 II 204/6
IN: 965000951
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0065122
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0053839
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0072623
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0050760
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0045373
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0048966
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0046934
available - reading room
Faculty of Law, Lj. Skladišče
IN: 0059100
available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/8 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/3 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/1 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/6 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/4 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/7 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/2 1/5 available - reading room
Theological Faculty, Lj. Č P 42/5 1/5 available - reading room
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