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  • The Artistic Personality
    Pîrvu, Bogdan C. S


    With constant references to Cloninger, Cosman and mainly Gray for the description of a model (AS) with anxiety-as-introverted-neuroticism and sociability-asextraverted- neuroticism; with recurrent recourse to Rusu, Pamfil, Cosman and mainly Kant for the description of creativity-as-product; with many a reverence to Andreasen, Jamison and mainly Aristotle for the description of creativity-asprocess – we will stipulate that the connection between psychopathology (PP) and big-C creativity (CC), a “melting pot” from which we have extracted personality traits (PT) and then the genetic code (DNA), intelligence (IQ) and a certain zeitgeist (ZG), is quite organic, namely that big-C creativity (CC) feeds on subclinical hypomania (SCHM), formative originality (FO) and subliminal psychopathology (SLPP). In a rather more condensed formulation, CC (AS + DNA + IQ + ZG) is informed by SCHM and encoded by FO and SLPP. By entabulation: CC (AS + DNA + IQ + ZG) → SCHM → FO + SLPP. This book, hopefully part of a long-standing Artistic Personality series, is an overt illustration of the aforementioned thesis, with special reference to Ion Creangă and George Bacovia, two foremost Romanian representatives of prose (an 80% psychopathology in a sample of 110 writers) and poetry (93.75% psychopathology in a sample of 80 poets).