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  • Lourenço, Tiago F; Cordeiro, André M; Frazão, João; Saibo, Nelson J M; Oliveira, M Margarida

    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2022, Volume: 2494
    Journal Article

    Unable to move, plants are physically restrained to the place where they grow. Remarkably, plants have developed a myriad of mechanisms to perceive the surrounding environment in order to maximize growth and survival. One of those mechanisms is the ability to perceive mechanical stimulus such as touch (thigmomorphogenesis), in order to adjust growth patterns (in different organs) to either attach to or surround an object. Roots are able to perceive several mechanical forces (e.g., gravity, touch). However, being the "hidden part" of a plant, it is difficult to assess their response to mechanical stimulation. In this chapter, our team presents a simple method to evaluate rice (Oryza sativa L.) root mechanosensing response that can be used to test different conditions (e.g., hormones) affecting rice root response to touch stimulus. This method is affordable to any lab and can be upgraded with a fully automated image recording system. We provide a detailed protocol with several notes for a more comprehensive application.