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  • Migranti i izbjeglice
    Rapić, Darko; Bilokapić, Šimun

    Služba božja, 06/2021, Volume: 61, Issue: 2
    Journal Article

    Europa se posljednjih desetljeća hrva sa samom sobom. Kulturološke promjene koje su se dogodile bitno su uzdrmale njezin identitet, a poštovanje temeljnih načela i vrednota našlo se pred novim izazovom. Nove antropološke paradigme proizašle iz postmodernizma utjecale su na zaborav kršćanskih korijena i istina, koje su dobrim dijelom odredile smjer razvoja europske kulture. Posljedično, Europa kakvu poznajemo umire. Osnovna nakana ovog rada jest vidjeti u kakvom su odnosu umiranje Europe i migracijska kriza. Ne govori se o smrti (i životu) kao biološkom procesu, nego o filozofsko-teološkom promatranju „umiranja“ i „oživljavanja“ svega europskoga, kršćanskoga, ljudskoga... Na temelju promatranja najvažnijih današnjih kulturoloških obilježja Europe te vjerskih istina kršćanstva i islama, posebno u poimanju života i smrti, odgovorit ćemo na pitanje jesu li migranti i izbjeglice nositelji života ili smrti na europskom kontinentu. Čuvajući se idealiziranja imigranata kao spasitelje Europe, ali i njihova demoniziranja kao jedinih krivaca propadanja Europe, pokušat ćemo vidjeti može li pozitivan stav prema njima pružiti bitan preduvjet za plodnu integraciju. Život ili smrt Europe ovisi o njoj samoj, a migranti i izbjeglice mogu doprinijeti jednoj i drugoj stvarnosti. Ipak, za kršćane jest obveza ljubavi, za koju ne smijemo zaboraviti da ima snagu oživljavati i mijenjati. Europe has been wrestling with itself in recent decades. The cultural changes that have taken place have shaken its identity significantly, and adherence to fundamental principles and values has faced a new challenge. New anthropological paradigms arising from postmodernism have influenced the oblivion of Christian roots and truths, which have largely determined the direction of the development of European culture. Consequently, Europe as we know it is dying. The main purpose of this paper is to see the relationship between the dying of Europe and the migration crisis. It is not about death (and life) as a biological process, but more about a philosophical-theological observation of “dying “and “reviving “of all that is European, Christian, human ... On the basis of the observation of today's most important cultural features of Europe and religious truths of Christianity and Islam, especially on the understanding of life and death, we will answer the question of whether migrants and refugees are the bearers of life or death on the European continent. Being careful not to idealize immigrants as saviours of Europe, but also not to demonize them as the only culprits of Europe's decline, we will try to see if a positive attitude towards them can provide an essential precondition for fruitful integration. Europe's life or death depends on itself, and migrants and refugees can contribute to both realities. Yet for Christians there is an obligation of love, and we must not forget that it has the power to revive and change.