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  • The impact of state policy ...
    Stipetic, Davor

    Politička misao, 09/2013, Volume: 50, Issue: 3
    Journal Article

    ABSTRACT IN CROATIAN: U okolnostima sve primjetnijih klimatskih promjena, koje su najuocljivije u fenomenu globalnog zatopljenja, postaje sve jasnije da energetika utemeljena na iskoristavanju fosilnih goriva znatno pridonosi toj pojavi. Zbog toga mnoge zemlje uvidaju potrebu za promjenom policy-paradigme u podrucju energetske politike, sto znaci sve vece oslanjanje na obnovljive izvore energije i povecanje energetske ucinkovitosti. Autor provodi studiju slucaja Njemacke predvodnice europskih nastojanja na povezivanju energetike utemeljene na obnovljivim izvorima i zastiti okolisa, ali i na ocuvanju sigurnosti opskrbe energijom. U radu se testira je li takva orijentacija Njemacke utemeljena na njezinu policy-kapacitetu - "sposobnosti rasporedivanja nuznih resursa za donosenje razboritih kolektivnih odluka o alokaciji oskudnih resursa za ostvarivanje javnih ciljeva i postavljanje strateskih smjernica u tu svrhu" (Painter i Pierre, 2005; 2), te se zakljucuje da su upravo te unutarnje determinante drzave, a ne policy-difuzija, odigrale glavnu ulogu u zauzimanju vodeceg polozaja Njemacke u ostvarivanju "nove energetske paradigme". // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Under the circumstances of increasingly visible climate change, most notably in the phenomenon of global warming, it has become more and more clear that the energy industry based on the exploitation of fossil fuels has significantly contributed to this development. Therefore, many countries acknowledge the need for a policy paradigm shift in the field of energy policy, which implies an increased relying on renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency. The author conducts a case study of Germany a forerunner in European efforts to link the energy industry based on renewable sources and environmental protection, and also on maintaining the security of energy supply. The paper tests whether this orientation of Germany is based on its policy capacity `the ability to marshal the necessary resources to make intelligent collective choices about and set strategic directions for the allocation of scarce resources to public ends' (Painter i Pierre, 2005: 2), and concludes that it is the internal state determinants, rather than policy diffusion, which have played a central role in Germany's attainment of a leadership position in the accomplishment of the `new energy paradigm'. Reprinted by permission of Fakultet politickih znanosti u Zagrebu