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  • Implementasi Wireless Senso...

    Elkomika, 07/2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 3
    Journal Article

    ABSTRAKWireless Sensor Network merupakan suatu solusi potensial dalam sistem manajemen gedung agar pengelolaan sumber daya gedung menjadi lebih efektif. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi wsn pada sistem manajemen gedung dengan menerapkan metode komunikasi Modbus TCP. Sistem terdiri dari monitoring volume sampah, pengendalian kunci pintu, tombol emergency dan sistem pengawasan video dengan memanfaatkan dashboard Node-RED dan Platform IoT Ubidots. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem berfungsi sesuai program yang dibuat dengan nilai rata-rata error pembacaan sensor 2,52%, maksimal jarak antara Node sensor dengan Node sink yaitu 20 meter. Tingkat keberhasilan sistem kontrol kunci pintu melalui dashboard Node-RED dan Ubidots sebesar 100 % dengan masing-masing rata-rata delay sebesar 225ms dan 489 ms kemudian nilai rata-rata delay pengiriman pesan notifikasi whatsapp sebesar 2504 ms.Kata kunci: WSN, Building, Modbus TCP, Raspberry Pi, Node-RED ABSTRACTWireless Sensor Network is a potential solution in building management systems so that building resource management becomes more effective. This study discusses the implementation of wsn on building management systems by applying the MODBUS TCP communication method. The system consists of garbage volume monitoring, door lock control, emergency buttons and a video surveillance system utilizing the Node-RED dashboard and Ubidots IoT Platform. The test results showed that the system functioned according to the program created with an average sensor reading error value of 2.52%, the maximum distance between the sensor Node and node sink is 20 meters. The success rate of the door lock control system through the Node-RED and Ubidots dashboards is 100% with an average delay of 225ms and 489 ms respectively and the average delay of whatsapp notification message delivery is 2504 ms.Keywords: WSN, Building, Modbus TCP, Raspberry Pi, Node-RED