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Peer reviewed Open access
    Hladnik, Miran

    Slavistična revija, 01/2013, Volume: 61, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    Some non-traditional topes are also planned for the chapter on "Processing": "Canonization" ("Editing critical editions", e.g., The Collected Works of Slovene Poets and Writers, "Anthologies," "Prizes," "Reprints," "Celebrations," "Jubilees," "Conferences," "Symposia," "Museums," "Memorial markers and rooms," "Literary trails," "Digitalization," "Collections of texts"); "Institutions" (schools, institutes, academies, Slovene studies abroad); "Use of literature in philosophy, sociology, history, psychology, ethnology, musicology, cultural studies"; "Literature in advertising, graffiti, obituaries, personal anniversaries and other social occasions"; "Literature in other arts" (painting, sculpture, architecture, music); "Literature and reality" (fictiveness, roman à clef, thematization of recent historical events); "Literature and (cultural) history"; "Literature and the law (censorship, responsibility, ethics)"; "Literature and politics" (court poet, inmate, people's tribunal)"; "Literature and culture" (national, intellectual)"; "Literature and economics"; "Literature and space: geomapping, spatial representations"; "Literature and media competition"; "Literature and the Slovene Academy of Sciences"; "Literature in the schools: textbook selection, academic plan, primary school, middle school, higher education, mandatory schooling, recreational reading."