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  • Development of mulberry pyr...
    G'ulamjonovna, Nosirova Zarifaxon; Toshpo'latovChoriXoliqovich; O'g'li, Ro'ziyev Farid Murtoza

    Annals of the Romanian society for cell biology, 01/2021, Volume: 25, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    The analysis of experiences results on investigation of mulberry pyralid development and identification of classification of order and family compositions its natural enemies in climate conditions of Andijan region has been presented. It has been shown that the least the butterflies fertility corresponds to temperature 15°C and the most one to 35°C. The analogical degrees for duration of butterfly's life correspond to 45°C and 15°C, correspondingly. These values are evidencing that the mulberry pyralid butterflies lay more eggs on high temperatures, however on these temperatures duration of their staying in the butterfly stage is being decreased. For mulberry pyralidboth eggs and larva has been revealed that the least survivability corresponds to temperature 15°C, as the same time the most one - to 25-30°C; duration of staying in the eggs stage of mulberry pyralid on environment temperature 15°C equals approximately to 8 days which is decreasing when temperature is increasing,reachesdown to 3 days on temperature 35°C. For other development stages decreasing of staying periods in these cycles is observing. For mulberry pyralid one total generation period must be from 28 up to 60 days and it is also decreasing when temperature is increasing. The comparative studying analysis of mulberry trees damaging in 2016 and 2017 showed that the most damaging degree of trees in 2016 on September (24%) and the least on June (8%) have been observed. The analogical values for 2017 (31% and 9%) to one month were removed, moreover the most value to one month before and the least after one month were removed. 10 species of predatory enemies entering to 4 families and 4 orders have been revealed. From which members of Neuroptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera orders feed basically mulberry pyralid larva and eggs and as the same time Mantodea order members except larva and eggs feed pest imagoes too. Moreover the most quantity from these insects corresponds to Coleoptera order (42.6%), next Hemiptera one (37.8%), after that Neuroptera order (15.4%) and the least quantity corresponds to Mantodea one (4.2%). There 15 members of parasite insects entering to 4 families and 2 orders have been defined from theirs Encyrtidae family parasites feed only eggs, Ichneumonidae family members feed larva and imagoes and others feed only larva of mulberry pyralids. Analysis of percentage composition of parasites showed that here the most fraction corresponds to Braconidae family (42.6%), next to Ichneumonidae one (37.8%), after to Tachmidaefamily (15.4%) and the least fraction to Encyrtidae one (4.2%).