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  • Realna ekonomska konvergenc...
    Krnić, Branko

    Suvremene teme, 12/2022, Volume: 13, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati teorijske osnove konvergencije i utvrditidinamiku promjena ekonomskih performansi zemalja Europske unijeovisno o pripadnosti eurozoni. Svrha je dobiti nalaze o ostvarivanjurealne konvergencije i o promjenama ekonomskih performansi uuvjetima krize. Nalazi mogu biti relevantni za Hrvatsku koja od 1. 1.2023. postaje članica eurozone. Ekonomske performanse nacionalnihekonomija izražene su bruto domaćim proizvodom po stanovniku. Zautvrđivanje konvergencije primijenjeni su koncepti mjerenja: sigma,beta, gama i delta u razdoblju 2010. – 2019. godine. Identifikacijapromjena ekonomskih performansi u uvjetima krize provedenaje na temelju podataka za 2009. godinu i 2020. godinu. Rezultatiistraživanja sadržani su u identificiranim razlikama između definiranihskupina zemalja u ostvarivanju realne konvergencije u promatranomdesetogodišnjem razdoblju i u ostvarenim ekonomskim performansamau kriznim uvjetima. The aim of this research is to investigate the theoretical foundationsof convergence and to determine the dynamics of changes in theeconomic performance of European Union countries dependingon their membership to the euro area. The purpose is to obtainfindings on achieving real convergence and on changes in economicperformance in times of crisis. The findings may be relevant for Croatia,which will become a member of the eurozone on 1 January 2023.Economic performance of national economies is expressed in grossdomestic product per capita. To determine convergence, the followingmeasurement concepts were used: sigma, beta, gamma, and delta in theperiod from 2010 to 2019. The identification of changes in economicperformance in crisis conditions was carried out based on data for 2009and 2020. The results of this research are contained in the identifieddifferences between the defined groups of countries in achieving realconvergence within the observed ten-year period and in the achievedeconomic performance in crisis conditions.