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  • The Quality of Practical Pe...
    Markelj, Neja; Potočnik, Žan Luka; Jurak, Gregor; Kovač, Marjeta

    Collegium antropologicum, 01/2021, Volume: 45, Issue: 3
    Journal Article, Paper

    In 2020, physical education teacher education (PETE) students of the Faculty of Sport of the University of Ljubljana (N = 46) had to complete a large part of the practical pedagogical training online. Using an online questionnaire, we investigated how they delivered distance learning in physical education (PE) at Primary Schools, the extent to which they achieved their objectives, encouraged students to move, delivered content, and assessed. The delivery mostly depended on whether the school included PE in the timetable. On average, most lessons took the form of independent student activity following written or recorded instructions, and the others took the form of online outdoor or indoor live classes. The latter were often used to give instructions, check tasks and motivate. Some schools organized at least one sports day (26%), active break (21%), or active class break (9%). Most student teachers chose different objectives compared to a traditional form of instruction: they emphasized the development of motor and functional abilities rather than the acquisition of new motor and social skills. All student teachers delivered physical fitness, followed by athletics (59%), dance and aerobics (43%), ball games (except volleyball 33%) were represented in a smaller proportion. 21% of the students taught content continuously. The assessment was done by 71.4% of the students (many of them only assessed the completion of the tasks) and evaluation by only 31.0%. They used a workout diary, videos or photos, or live conference calls. The average response rate was 71% for 1st-6th graders and 59% for 7th-9th graders. 21% did not attempt to reach non-responding students, while 10% indicated that they did not have problems with nonresponding. Zbog pandemijskih razloga, studenti izobrazbe nastavnika tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture Fakulteta za šport Sveučilišta u Ljubljani (N = 46) morali su završiti velik dio početne edukacije putem interneta u 2020. godini. Koristeći online upitnik, istražili smo kako su uspjeli učiti na daljinu u okviru predmeta tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Provedba nastave je najviše ovisila o tome je li škola uključila predmet unutar obavezne satnice. U prosjeku, većina programa bila je organizirana u obliku samostalne aktivnosti učenika slijedeći pisane ili snimljene upute, a ostatak je bio u obliku online nastave uživo na otvorenom ili u zatvorenom prostoru. Tijekom takve vrste nastave često su davane upute, provjeravanje zadataka i motiviranje. Neke su škole organizirale barem jedan sportski dan (26%), aktivni odmor (21%) ili aktivni odmor za vrijeme sata (9%). Većina nastavnika izabrala je različite ciljeve u usporedbi s tradicionalnim oblikom nastave; naglasak su stavljali na razvoj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti, a ne na stjecanje novih motoričkih i socijalnih vještina. Najčešće je naglasak bio na razvoj fizičke kondicije, a slijedile su aktivnosti poput atletike (59%), plesa i aerobiak (43%). No, igre loptom (osim odbojke 33%) bile su zastupljene u manjem postotku. Sadržaje je kontinuirano provodio 21% nastavnika. Provjeravanje je provodilo 71,4% nastavnika, a ocjenjivanje samo 31,0% nastavnika. Često su bili korišteni dnevnici vježbanja, videozapisi, fotografije ili konferencijski pozivi uživo.