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  • Altruizam
    Žuro, Doris; Stanić, Sanja; Akrap, Ante

    Crkva u svijetu, 2023, Volume: 58, Issue: 4
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    Od zakona dužnosti i sreće u pozitivnoj filozofiji Augustea Comtea pa sve do altruizma kao istinskog zla u filozofiji objektivizma Ayne Rand, koncept altruizma zaokupio je i dalje zaokuplja pažnju istraživača i drugih znanstvenih disciplina. Iako je utemeljitelj sociologije Comte skovao termin altruizam, on je sve do polovine 20. stoljeća bio izvan fokusa socioloških istraživanja. Višestruki su razlozi. Prvenstveno, velike društvene promjene tijekom 19. i 20. stoljeća značajno su odredile smjer razvoja glavnih socioloških teorija s fokusom na strukturalne fenomene i negativne aspekte društva. Drugi važan razlog bile bi određene poteškoće u operacionalizaciji konstrukta altruizma u terminima sociološke znanosti koja je zainteresirana za otkrivanje izvanjskih, društvenih aspekata fenomena. Ovaj rad započinjemo s konceptom altruizma u misli A. Comtea i drugih klasičnih autora. Drugi dio rada posvećen je suvremenom teorijskom određenju i razgraničenju altruizma od drugih oblika prosocijalnih ponašanja. Zatim donosimo prikaz glavnih istraživačkih perspektiva koncepta u sociologiji i drugim znanostima koje se bave pitanjem altruizma. Naposljetku, u zaključku sažeto prikazujemo teorijske doprinose i ukazujemo na moguće razrade altruizma na teorijskoj i istraživačkoj razini. From the law of duty and happiness in the positive philosophy of Auguste Comte to altruism as true evil in the objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand, altruism as a concept has preoccupied and continues to preoccupy the attention of researchers of other scientific disciplines. Although Comte, the founder of sociology, coined the term altruism, it was outside mainstream sociology until the middle of the 20th century. There are multiple reasons. Primarily, major social changes during the 19th and 20th centuries significantly determined the direction of development of the main sociological theories, focusing on structural phenomena and negative aspects of society. Another important reason would be some difficulties in operationalizing the construct of altruism in terms of sociology, which is interested in discovering the external, social aspects of the phenomenon. We begin this paper with the concept of altruism in the thoughts of A. Comte and other classical authors. The second part of the paper is devoted to the contemporary theoretical definition and distinction of altruism from other forms of prosocial behaviour. We also present the main research perspectives of the concept in sociology and other related sciences. In conclusion, we summarize the theoretical contributions and indicate the possible elaborations of altruism at the theoretical and research level.