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  • Interactions of Clotrimazol...
    Skorik, Nina; Kurzina, Irina; Korostelev, Vladislav; Fedorishin, Dmitriy; Kozik, Vladimir

    Inorganics, 10/2023, Volume: 11, Issue: 10
    Journal Article

    During the interaction of aqueous-ethanol or ethanol solutions AgNOsub.3, HAuClsub.4, and CuClsub.2, as well as aqueous suspensions of slightly soluble copper(II) salts Cu(Csub.6Hsub.4NOsub.2)sub.2·Hsub.2O, Cu(Csub.7Hsub.5Osub.2)sub.2∙3Hsub.2O, and CuCsub.7Hsub.4Osub.3∙Hsub.2O with the ethanol solution of clotrimazole at pH of ~(5.0–5.5), the Ag(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.2NOsub.3·2Hsub.2O, Au(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)Clsub.3, Cu(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.2Clsub.2·5Hsub.2O, Cu(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.4(Csub.6Hsub.4NOsub.2)sub.2, Cu(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.4(Csub.7Hsub.5Osub.2)sub.2, and Cu(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.3(Csub.7Hsub.4Osub.3)·2Hsub.2O compounds are synthesised. They are characterised by elemental, thermal, thermogravimetric, and IR spectroscopic methods of analysis. The Ag(Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2)sub.2NOsub.3·2Hsub.2O complex was shown to have a higher antimycotic activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungi than that of AgNOsub.3 and Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2. Cocrystals/salts of the composition Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2·Csub.6Hsub.5NOsub.2, Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2·Csub.7Hsub.6Osub.2, 2Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2·Csub.7Hsub.6Osub.3, and 2Csub.22Hsub.17ClNsub.2·Csub.19Hsub.19Osub.6Nsub.7·Hsub.2O are obtained from aqueous and aqueous ethanol suspensions containing nicotinic, benzoic, salicylic, and folic acids and clotrimazole (pH is 4.5–6.0). These cocrystals and salts were studied usin thermogravimetric, IR-spectroscopic methods. Diffraction patterns of the powders were obtained. The influence of the difference in the pKa components on the ability to form cocrystals/salts was assessed.