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  • Peter Uhan


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- It's Only the End of the World regards a long-estranged young man who returns home for dinner one Sunday to inform his family of his illness and impending death. The play combines uniquely poetic and humorous language with a strangely disjointed dramatic structure. Funny, probing, touching, and more than anything deeply gentle toward the imperfections of the family he was about to leave behind, Lagarce rewrote The World several times in the last five years of his life (final version in 1990, enlarged into Distant Land in the very last days of his life).- Samo konec sveta je največkrat uprizorjena, verjetno pa tudi najbolj osebna igra Jeana-Luca Lagarca, čigar dramski opus se je v zadnjih letih silovito uveljavil v domači Franciji, pa tudi po svetu. Za časa kratkega življenja je bil Jean-Luc Lagarce znan le redkim poznavalcem in ljubiteljem. To ga menda ni bremenilo. S kolegi je ustanovil lastno gledališko skupino, s katero je uprizarjal izbrane avtorje (Beckett, Goldoni, Marivaux ...) in svoje igre. Kar petindvajset jih je, poleg tega pa je pisal tudi romane, časopisne feljtone, filmski scenarij, dnevnike … Ta obsežni opus je danes deležen izjemne pozornosti; še posebej pa njegove igre, ki so tako rekoč preplavile francoske in svetovne odre. Ta hip je Jean-Luc Lagarce najpogosteje uprizarjan francoski dramatik 20. stoletja sploh.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana