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Pavel Karađorđević, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976

Pavel Karađorđević, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976
= Paul Karađorđević, Regent of Yugoslavia, 1893-1976
Authority record - personal name
Regent Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1934-41), 1941 strmoglavljen v državnem udaru.
< Used for:
Karađorđević, Pavle, 1893-1976
Pavle Karađorđević, 1893-1976
Karađorđević, Pavel, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976
Pablo de Yugoslavia, 1893-1976
Paolo Karađorđević, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976
Paul de Serbie, 1893-1976
Paul de Yougoslavie, 1893-1976
Paul Karadjordjevic, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976
Paul Karageorgevich, jugoslovanski regent, 1893-1976
Paul of Yugoslavia, 1893-1976
>><< Related terms:
Unspecified relationship between agents: Peter II, jugoslovanski kralj, 1923-1970
Family that the person belongs to: Karadžordževiči (vladarska rodbina)
Resources: Veliki splošni leksikon, 1997-1998 Pavel Karađorđević: Pavle
LC/NAF: Pavle, Prince of Yugoslavia, 1893-1976
UDK: 94(497)
SGC-ID = 15855208
Registration:  05.11.2019
Last modification:  11.09.2020
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