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Impact factor for journal Anatomy and Cell Biology in year 2022

Year 2022
Journal title Anatomy and Cell Biology
ISSN 2093-3665/2093-3673
Impact factor 0.932

Science Edition (SE) rankings

2722 2702 2804 1307 1309
Histology Anatomy Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Cell Biology Developmental Biology
Rank 24/60 18/43 45/91 121/278 29/75
Quarter 2 2 2 2 2
IFx 0.855 0.804 1.108 1.143 0.919
IFmax of 1st quarter 2.843 2.277 5.428 19.213 2.757
IFmin of 1st quarter 1.093 1.098 1.258 1.208 1.124
IFmax of 2nd quarter 1.091 1.091 1.250 1.199 1.098
IFmin of 2nd quarter 0.802 0.802 0.932 0.866 0.792
IFmax of 3rd quarter 0.772 0.779 0.930 0.852 0.766
IFmin of 3rd quarter 0.540 0.298 0.756 0.645 0.600
IFmax of 4th quarter 0.522 0.297 0.755 0.643 0.598
IFmin of 4th quarter 0.026 0.026 0.016 0.014 0.032
ID=438307 Created 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cAnatomy and Cell Biologyh674i69j0.932
110 f2093-3665
200 e2093-3665
210 a2093-3673
300 c2722dHistologyu24/60x0.855y0.802z1.0910212.84321.09331.09140.80250.77260.54070.52280.026
300 c2702dAnatomyu18/43x0.804y0.802z1.0910212.27721.09831.09140.80250.77960.29870.29780.026
300 c2804dCellular and Molecular Neuroscienceu45/91x1.108y0.932z1.2500215.42821.25831.25040.93250.93060.75670.75580.016
300 c1307dCell Biologyu121/278x1.143y0.866z1.19902119.21321.20831.19940.86650.85260.64570.64380.014
300 c1309dDevelopmental Biologyu29/75x0.919y0.792z1.0980212.75721.12431.09840.79250.76660.60070.59880.032