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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
1. Activities, Adaptation and Aging 2022 0192-4788 0.976
2. Advances in Gerontology 2022 2079-0589/2079-0570 0.137
3. Age and Ageing 2022 0002-0729/1468-2834 2.618
4. Ageing and Society 2022 0144-686X/1469-1779 1.389
5. Aging and Disease 2022 2152-5250 1.494
6. Aging and Mental Health 2022 1360-7863/1364-6915 1.568
7. Aging clinical and experimental research 2022 1594-0667/1720-8319 1.306
8. Aging Male 2022 1368-5538/1473-0790 0.967
9. Aging Medicine 2022 2475-0360 0.706
10. Aging Medicine and Healthcare 2022 2663-8851 0.355
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