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  • Opraševanje malo drugače : zgradba cveta in način opraševanja pri svilničevkah
    Strlič, Matija ; Mulej, Iztok
    We took under the microscope the structure of a stapeliad flower (the milkweedfamily-Asclepiadaceae). The reproductive organs form a structure called a gynostegium, with a single or double set of ... coronal appendages. The filaments form a staminal column with five staminal ĆlocksĆ or slots. Pollen merges into waxy pollinia, pairs of which are connected by translators into separate structures-the pollinaria. A stapeliad pollinium has an elongated surface structure called a pollinium key. Visiting insects, mostly flies, tearaway a whole pollinarium and insert it into the staminal lock of another flowerČ the key slides up the lock, approaches the stigma, and the flower is pollinated.
    Vir: Proteus : ilustriran časopis za poljudno prirodoznanstvo. - ISSN 0033-1805 (Letn. 63, št. 3, nov. 2000, str. 104-108)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2000
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 17163053