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  • Uporaba imunske elektronske mikroskopije v rastlinski virologiji = Immunoelectron microscopy in plant virology
    Mavrič Pleško, Irena ; Ravnikar, Maja
    Detection and identification of plant viruses are important for identificationof virus diseases and their reduced spread. Beside observation of disease symptoms and serological methods (ELISA), ... electron microscopy and predominantly immuno-electron microscopy (IEM) are very important tools for virus identification. We can observe and identify viruses in the sap of infected plants. Two methods are used for this purpose - negative staining anddecoration. When the concentration of viruses in the sap is very low, ISEM (immuno-sorbent electron microscopy, trapping) has to be used. The advantage of IEM in comparison with ELISA is that we can observe the reaction between antigen and antibody. We can see if there is really a reaction with the virus or with other cell components. This is why IEM is often used for checking doubtful ELISA results. To make the reaction easier to observe, we can mark the bound antibodies with colloidal gold, which is clearly visible in the electron microscope. We can also observe and identify viruses in the embedded plant tissue. With this technique we obtain information about localisation of viruses in the tissue and in the cell and about associated structures.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 1998
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 7257817